Vienna DeMarco

Vienna DeMarco

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


            Odie eventually called me with the news of her impending daughter, Kylie. I remained civil, and she did not mention the father. Neither of us spoke about how she had not met her niece or nephews. We finished our conversation, letting our relationship to continue to diminish.

            Soon, I did not have time to worry about such things. My maternity leave finally ended, allowing me to eagerly wave goodbye to Kyle and the toddlers.

            Milton must have exposed the secret of the mailbox being an exciting place.

            I returned home as a newly promoted sketch artist. Originally, I planned to celebrate with a nice long bath. Instead, I had to round up all the children, who had spread throughout the yard.

            Kyle had neglected his fatherly duties by falling asleep in the rocking chair. It was not an entirely surprising sight; he slept in that chair more than our bed. When was the last time he slept by my side?

            There was no time to dwell on his mistake. By the time I had a handle on my toddlers, he was awake and reminding me of the first twins’ birthday.

            We aged Milton and took a cake break.

            Kyle insisted that he finish scrubbing the shower before it could be Lois’ turn.

            Lois had the cheers of two lovely men to guide her to childhood.

            Milton and Lois were nearly identical.

            And they soon showed habits in behaving much the same as well. I was thankful that Kyle seemingly had not discovered that his son and daughter were really only step-children.

            Milton went to bed in the Brown Room.

            Lois went to bed in the Green Room.

            And I went to bed alone.


  1. Awww, poor Aspen!

    Im guessing that there wont be any more children?
