I earned straight A’s throughout my first term. My professors all liked me, even the one that complained that I could try harder. There was nothing higher than an A, so why overextend myself?
I returned to the dorm to find a congratulations present from Kyle in the mail. He was lucky that I really had done well, otherwise his preemptive mailing could have been insulting. I did appreciate the small painting and hand written note.
The next morning began the small break between terms. I kicked mine off by catching up on some cleaning.
And then I searched for opportunities to make some money to bring home. That’s how I learned that students with high grades could be supplied extra funds. All I had to do was walk into a building and sign some papers to earn five thousand simoleons!
After receiving my money, I stumbled upon a group of women outside the science building. They were operating some marvelous piece of machinery, and I knew I had to get some of that action.
I played around with it for a while, but then I learned that just because I knew something about logic, did not mean that I knew a thing about science. The women were nice enough though, one even asked me to come to a party that night.
And then I had a whole lot more. To be perfectly honest, the rest of the party was somewhat of a blur.
Over the rest of my break, I looked for simpler ways of having fun. I purchased a bag load of comics.
And then I went out and got even more funding. I used some of it to purchase my very own laptop. Not only did it have video games, but I could imagine all the help it would be for studying.
Second term started and people had to give up on some of their partying ways. I returned to rereading a few textbooks, and the dorm returned to its dirty state.
I was not one of them. Not only was I on the dean’s list, but I also only needed one more term—a light one—to get my degree.
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