Vienna DeMarco

Vienna DeMarco

Monday, August 18, 2014

Not an Update- My new plan

This is my last week before classes start up, and my deadline to September 2nd is getting pretty close. I've checked and, with the programs I need for school, I just don't have enough room on my SSD to have both Sims 3 and Sims 4. So I think this is what I'm going to do to make sure I finish this story. On my days off from work this week, I am going to marathon playing this family. I'll get all the pictures I need and will be able to continue to take time needed for writing future updates. So this probably will not be updated at all this week.


  1. Sigh . . . I'm bracing myself for the end. Sniff, sniff.

    1. There's going to be quite a bit more to come. More than I thought there would be. :) I'm still working on finishing up all the pictures and game play, so I probably won't update for another week.
