Vienna DeMarco

Vienna DeMarco

Friday, May 23, 2014

Back to Work

            It is insane to think about how thrilled I actually was to return to my bizarre job. Aspen did not make for a good companionship, and that is really saying something when the alternate company was a bunch of ghosts.

            I nearly left my first gig before even starting it though. The woman coming out of the house was styled like a witch and it left a bad taste in my eyes.

            All it took to get me to work was a mental reminder of baby screams.

            I collected my spirits for the night and brought them all in to Dr. Allison’s office immediately. There was no point to growing sentimental towards them at all; something would happen to cause me to be in a stretch for simoleons. Might as well get it over with when the babysitter had been paid either way.

            I returned to Aspen tired from working, but a bit fresher faced than the previous days with her. Having not been around babies, I did not know how to play with them. She seemed to like it enough when I bounced her a bit though.

            The next night after I finished my ghost catching duties, I was called to city hall. This time I was given a medal for something. The only person around to award it to me was a janitor, so I did not consider it prestigious enough to be worn. Perhaps I’d hang it on the wall.

            While I was out receiving my bum award, Aspen aged into a toddler. The expensive teenager I paid to sit around and do close to nothing was kind enough to send me a picture.

            Seeing Aspen’s new face on my screen inspired me to take a peek at the potion shop once again. I was hoping they’d have more of that friendship elixir in stock, and then I could try for another child with an even better looking man. The woman told me they were out though, and I dejectedly returned to my shed.

            Aspen greeted me as a tot greets their mother, but I found it a bit hard to look at her. She ditched my greenish skin color, which was the only improvement I noticed. Hadn’t she inherited any genetics from her father?

            It was going to take at least a dozen generations to wear this curse off!

            Aspen shared in my laments.


  1. Poor baby, she took after her mother... lol!

  2. Awww. At least she isn't green an food her ears are flattish. Vienna seems to be warming to her a little... Maybe? :p
