Vienna DeMarco

Vienna DeMarco

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


            The first thing I did after banishing my mom and brother from the house was to run down to JB. “Hey guess what!” I exclaimed, exhilaration enhanced by nerves. I was on edge! I’d just seen something terrible, done something terrible, and I was ready to do something. Anything! “You can come back upstairs to the house with me!”
“Really?” A smile came to his face, but then he suppressed it. “Is your mom okay with it, or are you sneaking me in?”
“No and no! It’s perfect, just come on!” I took his hand and pulled him toward the stairs.

            JB and I watched a movie on the couch together, occasionally interrupting the romantic scenes with our own sloppy making out. When the credits rolled, he asked me what was going on. I told him about what I saw and the banishment, expecting his full support. I didn’t get it. While he admitted that what I saw must have been shocking, and he was impressed I learned another power, he said that I couldn’t just disrespect my family like that. They were my family; who was he to tell me what to do with them?
            Before I could argue with my boyfriend, Hans came home.

            My brother saw us instantly and joined us. He had a lot of questions about who JB was, how we met, and whether or not he was wearing his pants. I kept telling him to buzz off, but JB took the time to answer all his questions. And truthfully too. Hans wasn’t going to believe him, but then he remembered that his siblings were freaking magical! I mean come on!

            JB excused himself to look at the pool, saying that now that he wasn’t made out of stuffing and cotton that he might give swimming a try. “Narissa, where’s Mom? What is she going to say about you moving your boyfriend in here?”
“You stink,” is all I could come up with to say.

            Later that night, when I was finally tired, I decided to try out the master bedroom. I mean, I was the master after all! I sat down on the bed, calling for JB, and trying my hardest to block out the fact that I was on the bed that my dad used to woohoo in. Claude and Mom probably did it in there too. Gross!

            JB joined me, sitting with a rigid back on the very edge of the bed. “Relax,” I said. “I gave the blankets a quick magic cleaning.”
“It’s not that.”
“Well then what’s wrong? Don’tcha wanna share a bed with your girlfriend?” Even though I was worn out enough to sleep, l could have perked myself back up enough for some action.
“I just don’t find this to be appropriate, Issy. I am going to locate a different bed for me to sleep in tonight.” He gave me a weak smile. “Goodnight.”

            Wow, so he was going to leave me high and dry like that? What a loser! I tried to think rationally about JB’s decision to not fool around me with, to reject my offer, but I just couldn’t bring myself around to his side of things.

            The next morning I shared some time with my bros, pointedly ignoring JB. Hans showed off the impressive amount of improving he’d gone through with piano, actually giving me a run for my money in musical talent. He could play pretty melodies and then seamlessly dive into an aggressively complicated flurry of notes.
            When James and Hans started to ask too many questions about Mom and Claudey, I had to bolt.

            JB found me sitting alone outside. He helped himself to a snow cone before starting up a chat. I gave him the silent treatment for a while. “Are you angry at me, Issy? Is it because I wouldn’t share a bed with you last night?”
“Duh!” I shouted at him. “I practically threw myself at you and you turned me down. Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?”

“I did not mean to embarrass you or hurt your feelings. I simply have a lot of respect for you, and I wish that you had the same for me. Personally, I don’t want to rush anything in our relationship. I’m just experiencing being a human for the first time, and I would like to savor everything. And you had so much happen to you last night. What kind of man would I be if I were to take advantage of that?”
He has a good point,” Grandma commented, unwarrantedly.
And you are too young to be thinking of doing such things, Missy!” Dad angrily threw at me.
Technically, she’s old enough. Once a female has gone through—”
“I don’t want to hear this!” I said and covered my ears. JB flashed a hurt look and I pointed at my head. Understanding, he nodded.
“Why don’t you and I go on a date today?” he asked. How could I say no to that?

            I got all dressed up and came rushing back down to him. I was a little disappointed when he suggested playing on the seesaw, but that had been our thing. And it was pretty fun too.

            I suggested that we go somewhere, out to the park probably, and he eagerly agreed. He’d never been off my lot before. He asked if I was still mad, so I gave him a quick kiss. That was easier than explaining that I knew I shouldn’t have been mad, but my hurt pride was still making me be.

            We really didn’t spend much time together on our date. I decided to get earn some extra money.

            And JB decided to give snowboarding a chance. He was really good! Good enough to make me swoon!

            But then he wiped out and gave it a rest for the day.

            I was surprised to see that Mom had grown balls enough for her to think she could just waltz back in. When Hans and James weren’t looking, I banished her again. “You’re going to need to practice some more. Your banishments are weak.
“Gee, really?”
JB had seen what I’d done and looked as though he disapproved. Kept his mouth shut though.

            That night, all four of us left in the house decided to watch a movie together. Hans threw a hissy fit about his spot on the couch being taken by JB. My boyfriend offered to move, but I clamped down on his arm and made him stay.

            The conversations that night were pretty tense. At first, I couldn’t figure out why. And then the lectures started. My so-called brothers ganged up on me about dumb shit, and my stupid boyfriend agreed with them. They said that I could do what I wanted with my life, but that they all had rights too. Apparently Mom said I’d kicked her out, conveniently keeping quiet as to why, and they all wanted her back. Brats who wanted their mommy. Typical.

            When it got too annoying, I pulled out my tablet and tuned them out. They didn’t know anything! It was my house and I could do what I wanted.
That’s my girl!





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